Ravensbruck Archive Project Receive Endorsements

Prominent community leaders like Rabbi Steven Carr Reuben, Prof. Holli Levitsky, Museum Director Randol Schoenberg, Congressman Henry Waxman endorse and stress the importance of translating and digitizing the Lund University Ravensbruck Archive.

Click here for a printable pdf brochure about the Ravensbruck project.

”Ravensbruck Concentration Camp was built to house primarily women and children. Anything that can be done to document the atrocities that occurred there must be done! We thank the people of Sweden for their unyielding support of Jewish and other Ravensbruck refugees after WWII.”
U.S. Congressman Henry Waxman
Congressional Liaison to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

”We must never forget the sad and unimaginable lessons of the Holocaust. Once translated, Lund University’s Ravensbrück Archive will allow us to educate generations to come.”
Rabbi Steven Carr Reuben
Kehillat Israel
Former President of the Board of Rabbis of Southern California

”Holocaust evidence is becoming increasingly fragile and scarce. The Ravensbrück Archive is a revelation that will help to teach history and prevent it from repeating itself.”
Holli Levitsky
Founder and Director of the Jewish Studies Program
Professor of Holocaust Studies at Loyola Marymount University

”This Ravensbrück Archive is a lost treasure. Its translation and preservation offers an opportunity to reclaim an important slice of history and worthy of exhibition at the L.A. Museum of The Holocaust.”
E. Randol Schoenberg
President, L.A. Museum of the Holocaust

For further information contact Robert Resnick <robert.resnick@lunduniversityfoundation.org>

Ravensbrück Archive – Witnesses of the Holocaust

The foundation have launched the Ravensbrück Archive Project as one of its fundraising initiatives. The archive material is unique as it consists mainly of systematic interviews with holocaust survivors shortly after they arrived on the white buses to Sweden.

Ravensbrück, situated approximately 90 km north of Berlin, was a concentration camp primarily for women and children. Between 1939, when the first women were transferred to the camp, and 1945, over 130,000 prisoners passed through Ravensbrück and its satellite camps. Many died. For posterity, details of life and suffering in the camps have been kept in Lund University’s Ravensbrück Archive. The Archive includes more than 500 handwritten interviews with survivors, systematically conducted, just after they arrived in Sweden on the white buses.

In addition to interviews, the Archive, which is mainly in Polish, consists of other types of documents such as prisoners’ notebooks, diaries, letters, poems, recipes, photographs, drawings, and official Nazi documents from the concentration camp such as lists of prisoners, block books (maps of the camps with lists and registers of the names of those who lived and died in the various buildings), and transcripts of protocols and original documents from the Ravensbrück trial in Hamburg in 1946–47.

Every week the Lund University library gets inquires about the archive from around the world.  We need your help in order to make the Ravensbrück Archive accessible to everyone. Lund University seeks to catalogue, digitize and translate the material and make it available electronically for the world to have access to.

We appreciate any donation, regardless of amount, which will help us to preserve, digitize and make accessible this important piece of history for generations to come. Please help us preserve the Ravensbrück Archive and the memories of those who suffered and perished in the Holocaust.

Click here for a printable pdf brochure.

For further information contact Robert Resnick <robert.resnick@lunduniversityfoundation.org>

To make a donation just click on the donate button below.

The Lund University Foundation has been given tax-exempt status as a charitable organisation by the Internal Revenue Service under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. This means that contributions to the Lund University Foundation are tax deductible for donors as provided by law. Your contact information is required when submitting your donation in order to receive a tax receipt.


Odeum Tour California

For the first time, Lund Academic Orchestra and Lund Academic Choir toured together.  They placed 5 concerts in California in San Fransisco, Stanford and Los Angeles.  The program was primarily Scandinavian music.  The quality was high, and they were very well recieved.

Odeum is Lund University’s central music centre for music making, concerts and lectures. It is comprised of the Academic Orchestra and the Lund Academic Choir and is made up of students from all disciplines. The orchestra’s history dates back to 1745 as the third orchestra in Sweden. Both the orchestra and the choir participate in ceremonies such as graduation day and the annual doctoral degree ceremony.

At the concert donations were collected to Lund University Foundation